Become a Member

If you would like to be a member or have any questions you can contact us through the form on the website or call Yvonne @ 466-2068

New members are sent in to DPS once a month and orientations are done the first Saturday of the month. All new members must have an orientation on the range before they are officially members. Please contact Tony Phillips to schedule an orientation 1-506-466-2068.

Early Bird

FEBRUARY 1st 2024- MARCH 31st, ​2024. The fee for yearly renewal of membership is $60.00. After March 31st, 2023 the fee is automatically $80.00. This does not apply to new members or members that have let thier memebership lapse for a year. 

Membership Lapse

If you have let your membership lapse a full year then you have to resubmit your application and your fee is the full $80.00 no matter what time of year it is.


You can send dues in via e-transfer to This email is also where you send in your application. If you send in via e-transfer please leave a comment ie: your name, a phone number, and if you have an r-pal. (if you do not leave infomation your paperwork will not be updated.) If you want to pay in person you can contact Yvonne @ 466-2068.